Sunday, October 28, 2012

Can the Worlds First Anti-Aging Perfume Make You Smell Young?

There are creams and lotions in every price range claiming to make you look younger and more youthful and Americans are whipping open their wallets and pocketbooks to buy in record numbers. As it turns out, how you smell may be just as important to youthfulness as how you look, at least according to the makers of the worlds first perfume to mask aging. Yes, theres now a perfume that claims to make you smell young.

This new perfume that reportedly can make you smell young is called, appropriately enough, Ageless Fantasy. This isnt a scent dreamed up to make a few quick dollars; its actually backed by research conducted by scientists at Rutgers University. According to scientific research, as women age they secrete higher levels of palmitoleic acid, a fatty acid with an unpleasant odor. Excretion of this fatty acid continues to rise over time as the aging process continues. When this fatty acid is excreted, its metabolized by skin bacteria producing a compound known as nonenal that has a musty odor that some people find offensive. The idea behind this anti-aging perfume is to counteract the odor of aging without simply masking it as regular perfumes do.

Ageless Fantasy isnt the only personal care product designed to make you smell young. Shiseido Co, a large cosmetic producer in Japan, has also developed a lotion and spray created to offset the odor associated with aging. The sales of this product were high as soon as the product hit store shelves in Japan. This should come as no surprise with there being so much interest among middle aged and older people in recapturing their youth.

Will Ageless Fantasy really make you smell young? This perfume is a blend of a variety of tropical fruit derivatives such as mango, pineapple, pomegranate, and other natural scents. According to the claims of the company, it will make you smell eight years younger. As it turns out, the smell of youth isnt cheap. A three ounce bottle of Ageless Fantasy costs $120.00.

Why not just use a regular perfume? According to the manufacturers of the worlds only perfume to make you smell young, conventional perfumes mask the odor of age, while Ageless Fantasty counteracts the odor while giving the wearer a pleasant, youthful smell. A variety of testimonials on their website attest to the effectiveness of their product.

If youre smelling a little "musty" these days and want to smell young again, you may want to try this unique product. At $120.00 for three ounces, use it sparingly.

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