Monday, October 29, 2012

What to Do After a Bad Haircut

You only wanted a trim and a bit of layering but the hairstylist at that brand new salon took off five inches and gave you a haircut so horrible it almost reduced you to tears. A bad haircut happens to everyone at one time or another and although it feels like a critical event at the time, hair grows and even a bad haircut will correct itself over time. But it can be a challenge to deal with this problem at the time it happens. Here are some ideas on what to do when a bad haircut has you down:

After a bad haircut: Assess the damage

Is you new haircut truly as bad as you think or is it just a radical departure from the norm that may require some adjustment on your part? Try washing your hair to remove the styling products and see what you have to work with. Is there a way you could style it differently or change the part to give it a better look? Experiment a bit with your blow dryer and other hair appliances. You may find with a little creativity you can turn your new haircut into a winner.

After a bad haircut: Get an objective assessment.

Call a friend that you trust to be brutally honest and ask her to evaluate your new haircut. She may see it in a more objective light than you and may be able to make some suggestions on a more flattering way to style your cut.

After a bad haircut: Schedule a consultation with the hair salon.

It may be you just need a few lessons on how to style your new haircut. Schedule an appointment with the salon who cut your hair and let them know youre having problems with your new cut A few lessons in how to blow dry and style your new haircut may be all you need to appreciate your new look.

After a bad haircut: Head for the hair magazines.

Buy some copies of hair magazines on the market that show haircuts similar to yours. Study the photos and learn from the way these cuts were styled and the different possible variations.. If they suggest particular styling products, consider giving them a try. Experiment with your new haircut based on what you learn from these magazines and learn what works and what doesnt.

After a bad haircut: Look at the bright side.

A new haircut, even if its not the most flattering, gives you a chance to sport an entirely new look. Sometimes reinventing yourself can be a positive. Experiment with some new cosmetic and fashion ideas that you might not have tried with your "safe" haircut. Be more outlandish and daring. Try altering your hair color or adding highlights that you might not have done before. This is your opportunity to step out of your fashion safety zone.

Keep in mind that even the worst haircut isnt permanent. Learn from the experience so your next haircut can be just want you want.

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